Welcome to...
Crafty Guitar Club

Your 'Happy Place'
Block out the world and focus on rockin', rollin', and all things guitar!

Guitar Essentials
Access to weekly tutorials, guidance and resources from full-time musician 'Crafty'.

Worldwide Access
Connect online with a community of like-minded, supportive musicians from all over!
What is this so-called 'club'?
Don't worry, there's no scary initiations... 😁
If you haven't already guessed, this club has been specifically designed for people who play guitar!
It's for guitar players who are:
- Unsure of your current skill level
- Unsure of what exactly you need to do to improve
- Noticing a number of gaps in your knowledge
- Feeling somewhat alone in your quest on guitar
- Wanting to ask A LOT of questions

Hours of Video Content
Access to all tutorials, guidance and resources that are exclusive to the Guitar Club Members.

Live Q&A
with Crafty
Tune in for a LIVE Q&A Session once a month via Zoom to answer whatever questions you have about the guitar.

Monthly Masterclass +
Monthly Song Tutorial
Once a month, Crafty will host a live or pre-recorded masterclass on a super-helpful guitar subject, AND upload a new song tutorial for you to learn.

Hang with Other Guitarists
You don't have to fly solo... inside the Crafty Guitar Club you can be amongst other likeminded souls who share your interests and passions in music.
How much does it cost?
If you were my 1-on-1 student, the cost of an hour lesson is $70 AUD.
When you join the Crafty Guitar Club, not only do you get 2 x hour online sessions with me per month, you join other guitarists like you and have round-the-clock access to all of the club content - all for just $49 AUD per month.
And my special offer to you - you get the first month completely free!
From Overseas? Check the currency converter, it could potentially work out much cheaper for you!

What experience level do I need?
Do I need classical or jazz training to join this club?
"I play a banjo. Is this club for me?"
What makes the Crafty Guitar Club better than other online communities out there?
How long does the club last for?
Can I download the files from within the club?
Am I stuck being a member forever once I sign up?
Any tips for success with this club?

Jim Mavromatis, Ambassador
Crafty has put the spirit back into Veteran’s lives with his guitar coaching.
The transformation I have seen in these guys is unbelievable, motivated, cheerful, focussed.

The thing I most look forward to: my next session with Crafty!!

I like learning guitar online so I can find out what I want, when I want, without leaving the house!

This Crafty fella makes me wish I got started practicing much much earlier...