Welcome to Crafty Music Tips
You've reached the one-stop-shop to find as many tips/hacks/lessons in music that you can handle! Whether you're starting from scratch, rekindling your lost passion for your hobby or seeking a career in the music industry, Crafty Music Tips has a tonne of resources to help answer your questions and get you "feeling alive" in the process!
"It's an absolute pleasure and privilege to be of service to you!' - Crafty
Something for Everybody
Have you seen the Crafty Music Tips YouTube Channel?
I have tutorials, lessons and advice that can suit any musician! Plus a bunch of nerdy music stuff 🤓
Head over to the Crafty Music Tips YouTube Channel and have a browse!
Go to YouTubeStuck at home?
Check out these Online Resourses

1-on-1 Coaching
Individual lesson or planning session with Crafty via Zoom.
*Currently openings for 1-on-1 sessions are closed* BUT you still can access live sessions with Crafty in the Guitar Club.

Fretboard X-Ray Vision Challenge
Sick of feeling "blind" when locating notes? Achieve perfect vision on the fretboard with this effective yet straight forward 5-step method - say goodbye to those 'oops' moments, on any type of fretboard!

Crafty Guitar Club
Feeling alone in your quest for guitar greatness? Need guidance in what to do next but can't afford 1-on-1 Coaching? This online club is your future hangout spot!
Who is Crafty?
Meet the Man Behind the Music!
Crafty is a full-time musician and educator with over 20 years in the music industry
More About Crafty
So... just what do industry professionals think ?

Dave Gleeson
Screaming Jets, The Angels
"He’s patient, easy going and knowledgable about all aspects guitar playing, musicality and performance. He’s a freak!"

Dani Stratford
Vocalist, Songwriter, Educator
"Crafty’s exceptional musical knowledge, engaging personality and inclusive teaching style ensure all people in his orbit get the best chance possible to skill up and feel like total Rock Gods!"
Who doesn't like free stuff?
Because I'm nice, I've prepared these free resources to help you on your music journey!
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